Once logged into your teacher account, select a class from My Classes
Then select Reports.
A report will appear that displays all assignments, assigned students, average score (%), completion (%), and time spent in the assignments.
To view Module Progress, select the blue hyperlink of one of your assigned modules.
The Module Progress Report will display all of the assigned activities and associated student progress. It’s important to note that some activities are going to be scored for completion only. This is indicated by the star icon. Others will display a percentage. If Notebooks have been assigned and completed by the students, you can view these by selecting the blue flag icon.
To view a Student Overview Report, select the blue hyperlink of one of your students.
The Student Overview Report will display the student’s last login date, total number of logins, total number of completed activities, total number of opened activities, time spent (min) and average score (%). A list of all assignments will appear, in addition to a list of all Notebook entries.
To view progress for all students, select All Student Usage Report in the upper right corner.
The All Student Usage Report will display the student’s last login date, total number of logins, total number of completed activities, total number of opened activities, time spent (min), total number of completed Notebooks, and average score (%).
Accessing and navigating student reports in Science4us
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over 7 months ago