How teachers can manage students within their class rosters
Provide/Change Student Product AssignmentsEnable student access or change product access with assignments
Removing a Student from a ClassRemove a student account from a class as a teacher
How Do I Recover a Deleted Student?Recover or undelete a student account
Moving a Student to a Different Class or TeacherMoving student accounts to another class or teacher
Managing Class RosterManage student accounts in a class roster as a teacher
Giving Students Access to Gizmos using Class CodesHow Students access classes using Class Codes
Managing Students for Gizmos Classes with Class CodesAdding and removing students from Class Code enabled classes
Printing Student Login Cards, Parent Account Invites and Class RostersPrint login cards and parent invites in Reflex
How Do I Log In as a Student?Login Procedure for students
Retrieving Student Usernames and PasswordsHow teachers can retrieve student usernames and passwords
Adding Students to a Parent AccountAdd students to a Parent account in Reflex
Enabling Product Access for your StudentsHow to set assignments and grant product access for students as a teacher
Importing or Adding Students to a Class Roster via CSV file as a TeacherAdding Students to a Class Roster via CSV upload as a Teacher