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Fluency Reset in Reflex
Fluency Reset in Reflex

Reset student fluency or progress to 0% in Reflex

Jeremy Brown avatar
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over 7 months ago

Please note that ExploreLearning does not recommend resetting a student’s fluency back to 0%.

  • Teachers sometimes indicate that they would like to reset a student's work in Reflex back to the beginning. This is not recommended because:

    • Reporting for teachers and admins already defaults to the current school year, displaying student activity only from the current year.

    • Similarly, milestone certificates are earned and generated only for effort and progress made during the current school year.

    • Reflex automatically reevaluates students when they return from a break, bringing their fluency percentage to the correct level based on their performance, even if they were previously at 100%.

    • This reevaluation takes less time than the initial assessment.

    • Students can become frustrated with restarting Reflex assignments, reducing student engagement with building automaticity with math facts.

If necessary, teachers can reset a student's fluency in Reflex in 3 steps:

  1. Change the student's assignment to a different operation.

    1. Meaning if they are currently assigned to Add/Sub, they will need to be set to Mul/Div or vice-versa.

    2. To change multiple students at once, use the checkboxes on the left, and “Access and Assignment” at the bottom right.

  2. Have your student log in and press *Start* in the program, and then log out.

    1. You can repeat this action for each student you want to reset, or have your students perform this all at once in class.

    2. It is important to make sure your student clicks the start button to trigger the initial assessment in the new operation.

  3. Change the student’s assignment back to their original assignment.

    1. Fluency will revert to 0% upon the next student login and require repeating the initial assessment in the assignment.

This process will start the student over at 0% fluency, while also preserving their avatar, tokens, game unlocks, and in-store purchases.

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