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Science4Us Dashboard

Explore and navigate the Science4Us teacher dashboard

Jeremy Brown avatar
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over a week ago

When Science4Us is launched from a teacher account, the Dashboard has multiple options for searches, assignment building and class creation.

  1. Tool Bar

    1. Dashboard - Takes you back to the home page

    2. Teaching Tools - Ways to search for assignments. Academic standards, Teaching Strategies, and Module Vocabulary

    3. Favorites - List of modules that have been "Hearted" as a favorite

    4. Student Demo - Allows for testing modules as a student would

    5. "el" icon, takes you to the page, "?" takes you to our HelpCenter, # Grid will take you to the product selector if you have subscription access to multiple products.

  2. Teaching Tool searches. Allows for a quick search by Teaching Strategies or Academic Standards

  3. My Classes - List of your created classes

  4. Browse Modules - In depth search feature to build assignments for your classes.

  5. Quickstart - Video tutorials

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