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Rostering Integrations Offered

What rostering integrations are supported by ExploreLearning

Jeremy Brown avatar
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over 4 months ago

ExploreLearning supports system integrations for our Gizmos, Reflex, Frax and Science4Us products. This article outlines our Supported Auto-Rostering Methods and Prerequisite sections of each implementation type to provide your district with a basis of the integrations we offer.

Supported Auto-Rostering Methods

  • OneRoster Standard Via LTI v1.0 v1.1 & v1.3 or SAML

  • Clever Roster

  • ClassLink API

OneRoster Standard via LTI v1.0 v1.1 & v1.3 or SAML

Your district sends OneRoster files to ExploreLearning via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Sending data via SFTP syncs your rostering data with the ExploreLearning servers, automates initial account creation, and provides nightly updates.

OneRoster Prerequisites:

  1. LTI v1.0, v1.1 v1.3, or SAML configurations

  2. Select unique identifiers for student accounts (often Student ID)

  3. SSO data included on OneRoster files

  4. OneRoster files meet OneRoster standard

Clever Rostering

Your district shares rostering data through Clever to ExploreLearning. The data from Clever syncs with our servers nightly, importing and updating district information, including account creation, maintenance, and deletion, and transferring user accounts within your subscription.

Clever Prerequisites:

  1. Establish Clever integration service with Clever

  2. Configure Clever to share your district’s rostering data

  3. Request ExploreLearning Gizmos or ExploreLearning Platform Rostering App in Clever

  4. Clever Rostering can only be matched with Clever SSO. If you are to choose Clever for Rostering, you MUST use Clever's SSO feature.

ClassLink via API

Your district syncs rostering data through the ClassLink app to the ExploreLearning servers. The ClassLink app and our servers sync nightly, importing and updating account and enrollment information, including user account creation, maintenance and deletion, and transferring user accounts within your subscription.

ClassLink Prerequisites:

  1. LTI v1.0, v1.1 & v1.3, or SAML configurations

  2. Configure ClassLink to export your rostering data

  3. Provide permission for ClassLink to share your district’s rostering data

Your district can only implement one method for integrating the accounts in its subscription. Please select the method that will provide the easiest access to your students and teachers.

*Please Note that we do not support Google SAML SSO or Google Classroom Integration and rostering.*

For specific questions about your district’s rostering process, please contact your district’s IT support staff or your LMS provider. ExploreLearning may be unfamiliar with the specifics of your district’s implementation.

For questions about our products or questions about setting up a system integration for your district, please contact your Account Representative or the Integrations Support team via the following methods:

Phone: USA/Canada 866.882.4141 Option 2, Option 5

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