Frax, according to the latest Research, should be used as a foundation prior to in-classroom instruction for a better conceptual understanding of fractions.
For best results, we recommend that students use Frax three times a week, minimum.
It is important for students to have continuous experience with Frax so that they can build on what they have learned the previous day.
Only one Mission can be done per day, so the students do not move through the program too quickly.
Each Mission takes approximately 20-30 minutes, keeping in mind this can vary depending on student typing speeds and whether or not they struggle in the more difficult parts of the Mission.
Sector 1 has a total of 27 Missions.
Sector 2 has a total of 30 Missions.
Since students develop and practice foundational skills with each Frax mission, Sectors 1 and 2 must be completed sequentially for fractions success.
If three Missions are completed per week, a student can get through the program in about nine weeks.
Review Room in Frax, available once students have completed all missions in Sector F, offers quick-to-play games. Where students can practice all of their new skills and earn more tokens.
Frax usage recommendations and details
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over 6 months ago