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Organizing Gizmos in a Class

Organize Gizmos in a Class with Text Headers and reordering or hiding Gizmos

Jeremy Brown avatar
Written by Jeremy Brown
Updated over 8 months ago

We provide several tools to help you manage and organize the Gizmos within a class.

On a Class page:

  • You can modify the arrangement and display of Gizmos by hovering over a section heading or Gizmo to bring up an editing menu. Hover over an icon to see a tooltip description.

  • To add a Heading, go to the class and click +Add Heading below the class name. Enter your text and click Add.

  • After adding a Text Heading, you can click on the Heading name and Drag to Reorder the Heading in your class Gizmo list.

  • You can also click the More Actions icon on the far right to move a Gizmo or group of Gizmos up or down. You can only move groups if they have a section Text Heading.

  • To hide a Gizmo or text heading, click the Hide from Students icon in the middle to hide the content from students. The hidden content will appear grayed out to indicate it is hidden. Simply click the icon again to unhide it.

  • To remove a Gizmo or text heading, click the Remove icon. Removing a text heading does not remove the Gizmos under the heading.

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