Frax Competitions allow teachers to host competitions among different classrooms in the same school building. Now, students in one classroom can face off against other classes in a school for amped-up engagement, fun rivalry, and increased math fact fluency motivation!
Accessing Competitions:
How do I create a Competition?
To create a Competition, start by navigating to the Competitions Homepage.
Select “Create New Competition"
Give your Competition a name
A title for the competition is required. The title must be at least 5 characters long.
Select your Start Date
The start date can be the current date or any date in the future.
Select your Duration or choose from a calendar → Next
The user is provided options for predetermined durations (ex: 3 days, 1 week) or they can choose “custom” to choose any date for the end date.
The end date cannot be the same day as the start date.
Choose your Class
Users can set up a competition for two of their own classes by selecting one and then using +Add Team to select the other.
The organizer can create a new competition with only one of their own classes but they must invite another teacher in that scenario.
At least two teams are required for a competition to start.
Enter your Team Name
Customize your team with an avatar and a color → Next
Select the names of teachers you want to join → Next
If the user wishes to hold a competition between their own classes, this step can be skipped.
Select ‘Create Competition’
After confirming the details of the competition, the organizer submits the form. Then they will be directed to the competition detail page.
Any teachers who were invited will receive an email to notify them that they were invited to join the competition.
While waiting for teams to join in the lead-up to a competition start, you will see a timed countdown on screen.
As the organizer, you can edit start dates before teams join.
You can add additional teams to the competition.
See the teams you have invited and joined with.
See details about the competition.
Accepting and Joining Competitions
A teacher will receive an invitation via email and also on their competitions dashboard.
Click the link in the invite email. Email is from [email protected]
If you do not get the invite: Check your Spam folder. Check with your technology department to make sure it is not being blocked.
From there, they can choose to join the competition.
If you decline, you cannot be re-invited to the same competition.
If you choose to join, you will need to select their classes and customize your teams.
A teacher can only join a pending competition.
Once accepted and joined, the organizer will receive a confirmation email.
Locating and Monitoring Competitions
Locate active, completed, and expired Competitions by clicking Launch Competitions in the dashboard.
By clicking on one of your active competitions, you’ll be able to view the progress of your team(s) against your “Testing Partners” Teams.
You can view individual student progress for your team(s), by clicking on button titled Students.
The most accurate data can be viewed at the end of the day.
Competition Results
When a competition is finished, you will be able to see whether the competition has been rescheduled.
Once completed, the users have the option to rematch while reviewing results.
The user also has the option to print certificates. Each team will get a certificate to celebrate the accomplishments of the students who contributed to the competition.
Certificates show:
Team avatar/color
Team place in the competition
Team name
Type of competition (metric used)
End date of the competition